View Curriculum
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To view and enroll in a grade level, please visit
Publisher Variety
When you enroll in some programs, virtually every textbook is by the same publisher, and you have no choice. When you enroll in CLASS, your child will get textbooks from a variety of publishers such as Abeka, Bob Jones, and Christian Liberty Press. If you don’t want a stifling sameness in all your books, let CLASS widen your horizons.
Alternate Courses
With CLASS, you aren’t limited to the textbooks we usually assign. If you have a favorite publisher or two, it is quite possible that they are among our alternate publishers, and you can indicate your preference when you enroll. In most cases, we will be happy to accommodate your choice. Simply choose from the list for each subject when you enroll on our shopping cart.
Tailored Curriculum
CLASS Evaluates
results of achievement/placement testing
transcripts and cumulative records
previous grade level courses and scores
parent comments and requests
CLASS then assigns
all necessary subjects appropriate to the student’s level
lower or higher grade level materials if more appropriate for the child
materials to correct gaps in the student’s educational experience
alternate courses, if requested by you
CLASS selects a best fit curriculum
When it comes to education, one size does not fit all. The uniqueness of each child must be considered when assembling a curriculum. Beginning at second grade, CLASS relies in part on standardized achievement/placement testing to ensure that appropriate materials are assigned to each student. For high school, CLASS also evaluates transcripts and cumulative records. When available, CLASS reviews previous grade level courses and scores. With CLASS you won’t get a one-size-fits-all curriculum—you get the curriculum that best fits your child.
CLASS listens to you
We realize that you know more about your children than we do. Consequently, we rely on relevant personal and academic information provided by the family. We even invite parents to select favorite publishers before we put the curriculum together. That’s where the View Curriculum pages come in.
For many years, thousands of families have trusted the well-established and proven CLASS program to assign appropriate courses for their students and to make sure there were no educational gaps, but there’s nothing like seeing the materials—and participating in the selection process yourself.